Aims and Objectives of the Creation of Pakistan

Aims and Objectives of creation of Pakistan


With the occupation of the Indo-Pak subcontinent by the British in the 18th century, Muslims of the region, in contrast to their historical glory, became subservient to their colonizers. While Hindus accepted the western educational system and pursued high ranks in the government machinery, Muslims remained aloof in the beginning. It was Sir Syed Ahmed Khan’s untiring efforts that we saw a more inclusive Muslim society. Muslim identity and culture were at stake, thanks to the Hindu majority’s persecution and atrocities. Muslims wanted their own educational, democratic, economical, and social setup; they pushed the colonizers to grant them a separate geographical area for complete autonomy. Persistent efforts, strong character of Quaid e Azam in addition to other leaders, combined with other factors like the second World War in 1945, prompted the British to decolonize the Indo-Pak subcontinent; a boundary was drawn and Muslims of the region were given a separate homeland in 1947.


Enforcement of Sovereignty of Allah Almighty


An Islamic state is established and progresses considering supreme the ordainments of God Almighty. Its matters are decided on the concept of the sovereignty of God Almighty only. Pakistan was created for the Muslims where Islamic principles could prevail.

Preservation of Muslim Culture 


Colonies’ social and cultural institutions are affected and shaped by the colonizers’ preferences. The British established their system where Hindus accelerated their careers while Muslim identity and culture were in danger at the hands of their colonizers as well as hostile Hindu majority. The creation of Pakistan was needed to preserve Muslim culture and social institutions.


Protection and revival of Muslim Identity 


Muslims remained dominant for centuries. Their identity was jeopardized when, because of the Muslim empire’s weakness as well as the cunning leadership of East India Company, the British took over the echelons of power of the subcontinent. Muslims wanted to regain their lost identity. Additionally, and more importantly, the prejudicial attitude of Hindus against the Muslim population made their life difficult, to say the least. Muslims needed security from the majority Hindu domination; after sacrificing so much, Muslims were able to get their right of a separate homeland due to perseverance and determination of Quaid e Azam.

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Establishment of a balanced economic system


The economic system is the backbone of every society. Muslims in the subcontinent did not have their economic system and relied on the British; additionally, Hindus were dominating the public offices and educational setup. Muslims were lacking in many ways and could not compete economically on equal grounds with the Hindus because of unfair patronage to the Hindus by the Britishers after the war of mutiny in 1857, where Muslims were held responsible for the whole event.


Two Nation theory


Two Nation theory was coined officially by Allama Iqbal in his Allahabad address of 1930, however, the concept has been around from a long time; Al-Beruni, in his book Kitab ul Hind also alludes to the prejudicial and racial nature of Hindus, Mujaddid Alf Sani also gave the concept years before the theory got into mainstream explicitly. The reasons were many; Muslims and Hindus were distinct and separate in many ways. The social fabric of the subcontinent never saw the two communities merge completely and one could easily recognize their differences at a glance. The essence of the theory is that Muslims are socially, economically, culturally, historically, religiously and politically different from the Hindus; they need a separate homeland to practice their believes as the two communities cannot coexist peacefully due to the gleaming differences in their ways of life.


Freedom from the prejudicial majority rule


Muslims, after the War of Independence 1857 was held responsible and were persecuted by the Britishers. They granted major public offices to Hindus and kept Muslims alienated from the higher ranks of government setup. Hindus took advantage of the situation and started a persecution of their own; they used to stop Muslims from practicing Islam and live life with freedom. The Congress rule of 1937 was the last nail in the coffin of Hindu-Muslim unity and a united India; it made the Muslim leadership realize that Hindus are incorrigible, and Muslims can’t practice their ideology living alongside such a hostile Hindu majority. Therefore, the 1940s was the decade when Muslims asserted their demand for separate homeland more vigorously.

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Establishment of Islamic Democracy


Islamic democracy believes in the sovereignty of God where people can use their right to suggest any changes in governance setup, however, not in the matters already decided by the Almighty. Allah Almighty has prescribed a complete political system for an Islamic state different from the western concept of democracy where people are put supreme. Islam does not suggest democracy based on the concept of “of the people, by the people, for the people”.

We can assume that the aims and objectives of Pakistan got clearer to the Muslims of the subcontinent as time passed; the most prominent aim of Pakistan’s creation was to get a laboratory where Muslims could practice an Islamic way of life.





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