How to Start Blogging in Pakistan: Ultimate Guide (2023)

Are you thinking about starting a blog in Pakistan but not sure where to begin?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

Starting a blog can seem overwhelming at first, but with the right guidance and resources, it’s easier than you might think.

In this beginner’s guide, we’ll take you through the process of starting a blog in Pakistan step by step.

Whether you’re looking to share your passion, promote your business, or simply connect with others online, this guide will give you all the information you need to get started.

Let’s dive in!

How to Start Blogging in Pakistan (The Right Way)

how to start blogging in Pakistan

Why Start a Blog?

Here are the main benefits of owning your own blog in this digital age:

Online Presence

Whether you’re a small business owner, a professional, or just want to be recognized in your industry, a blog builds your online presence.

Full-time Income Source

A blog can be a full-time (or part-time) income source, depending on how much you’re willing to invest in it (Your time, energy, and money).

Cheap Startup Cost

You can literally own a blog in the next 15 minutes in under $10. The amount in PKR may vary depending on the exchange rate, but you can expect it to be anywhere around 2000 – 3000.

It’s nothing compared to what you’re going to get in return in the long run.

Now, there are many benefits of blogging, but I’m not going to talk about it as it’s not our main topic today.

Let’s start with how you can start your own blog and make money/grow your business online.

Choosing a Niche

A niche is the topic or subject that your blog will focus on.

It’s important to choose a niche that you are passionate about and knowledgeable in, as this will make it easier for you to create compelling content that resonates with your audience.

Some popular niches where you can make a decent amount of money are:

  • Wealth
  • Health
  • Psychology
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I know these are huge markets, but you need to narrow down and pick a smaller part of that market, aka a niche.

For instance, making money with affiliate marketing and blogging can be a niche of the broader “Wealth” market.

In health, it could be “Loosing weight for men over 50”, or “Building muscles as a teenager”.

Working on a niche helps you build trust with and credibility with your audience.

It also helps you rank on Google and other search engines relatively quickly.

Example: On Pak Affairz, I talk about how Pakistanis can make money online with little investment among other stuff.

But, it’s all related to Pakistan, so you can say that I’m working on a “Country-based” niche.

Take Action

Once you’ve selected a niche, take action.

It’s easy to get bogged down by disbelief and “What-ifs”.

You want to take action as soon as possible, and make the little changes along the way as your blog grows.


So, the next step is to get yourself a fast, reliable, hosting service.

There are countless options in the hosting industry, and picking the right option requires research.

Especially if you’re on a budget.

Bluehost is a great hosting but it can be expensive.

I’d recommend getting Hostinger as it’s affordable as well as reliable.

Once you get your hands on a hosting provider, start building your blog.

Yes, it’s that straightforward.

Just log into your Hostinger account, and install WordPress on your domain.

Sorry, I forget to tell you about the domain name. You can just pick a domain name while buying a suitable hosting package. It’d be free for the first year (Depending on the package you choose).

So, as soon as you’re installed WordPress on your site, go to this URL:

That’s your WordPress dashboard.

First, install an SEO-friendly theme. The free version of Gutenberg will be more than enough for now.

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Next, install all the basic free plugins, including:

  • Sucuri security
  • Rank Math SEO (Or YOAST – both are great)
  • UpdraftPlus (For automatic website backups)

Create your website logo with Canva (Free)

Make sure it’s less than 100 kb. Heavy image files tend to slow a website down.

Next, create categories if you know what you’re going to talk about.

If not, leave it on default. You can change them later.

You’re now ready to post blog posts on your new blog, drive traffic, and make some cash.

But, before you start writing, make sure you’re writing on the right topics.

If you need any help setting up your WordPress blog, get in touch with me!

Do Some Keyword Research

Just go to any free keyword research tool and enter your main keywords (aka seed keyword).

Google Keyword Planner works just fine.

It’ll give you a list of keywords. Download it to your computer.

Now, pick the most relevant keywords and start searching them on Google.

For every keyword, do a basic SERP analysis. Search Engine Results Page analysis.

See if there are low-competition websites ranking on the first page.

How do you do it? Just install the Mozbar extension (free) and it’ll tell you the DA (Domain Authority) of the first-page websites.

If any one of the top 5 websites have a DA of less than 10, you can rank for that particular keyword.

Writing Content

Writing blog posts isn’t as tough as it used to be.

Tools like Grammarly help you create error-free content easily.

Plus, you can now use artificial intelligence tools like WordHero or ChatGPT to speed up the content creation process.

But, before publishing anything, make sure your content is high-quality, relevant to the search term, and factually correct.

Also, it’s important to make sure your blog posts are optimized for search engines.

Monetizing Your Blog

How to monetize a blog

There are essentially two ways of monetizing a blog:

  • Display ads
  • Affiliate marketing
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Other methods like digital products and courses require some time and resources.

When you’re new, start with monetizing your blog with Ezoic.

Ezoic uses AI technology to serve ads on your website, maximizing your revenue.

Plus, you can join Ezoic for free right now. There’s a small approval process.


How long does it take to start a blog in Pakistan?

It typically takes a few hours to set up your blog, but creating and promoting content takes time and effort.

The cost of starting a blog varies depending on the platform and services you choose. However, it is possible to start a blog for free using platforms like Blogger or

Do I need to have technical skills to start a blog in Pakistan?

No, you don’t need to have technical skills to start a blog. Most blogging platforms are user-friendly and offer step-by-step guides for setting up your blog.

Can I make money from blogging in Pakistan?

Yes, it’s possible to make money from blogging through various monetization methods like display advertising, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing.

How often should I publish content on my blog?

It’s important to publish new content regularly to keep your audience engaged and to improve your search engine rankings. Aim to publish at least one new post per week, but don’t sacrifice quality for quantity.

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Pakistani SEO copywriter
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I'm an SEO copywriter and blogger whose goal is to help fellow Pakistanis start their own online businesses. I've been doing freelance writing and SEO for about 4 years now.